Monday, April 12, 2010

Reflections (Not the cool Diana Ross kind either)

Despite my initial reluctance at the whole blog idea, I am kind of liking the whole venting of the spleen to the universe vibe that's going on...

As I sit here pondering assessment task #1 for EDTL401 I am again struck by the fact that it seems to be a prerequisite that one is a teacher librarian in order to learn how to become a teacher librarian- see my earlier post for the full rant.

I understand that at some point in this degree I will need to engage with trained teacher librarians and undertake practical placements. What I was not prepared for was that in the first few weeks of the first subject in the first semester, I would be expected to locate a real live teacher librarian and enlist their assistance in writing my paper. Seems a bit presumptuous on my part "Hi, you don't know me but I am thinking about becoming a teacher librarian and was wondering if you could help me with my assignment?" Not too much of a drama if you already are a teacher librarian, which brings me back to my original point...

What has also struck me as odd is the requirement to write this assignment in the third person when the question asks us to ...critically analyse the role YOU believe the teacher librarian should play in creating an information literate school community... bring on the twists and turns as I try to contort myself into giving my opinion about something whilst not expressing it as my opinion.

Spleen vented... for now...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Under pressure (Not the good, David Bowie kind either)

Well, after a hiatus whilst I moved residences (thanks Telstra for the 10 day delay, awesome), I am back online. I came back to an inbox crammed full of messages re: 401. Who has time to wade through all this stuff? Full time students I guess...Most definately not me...

Uni is getting to me and I have gone down like the proverbial sack of you-know-what with a migraine. Been bedridden and this has thrown out my whole essay writing schedule. Life is never easy huh?

I have to say that I am feeling the pressure of uni work at the moment and my overwhelming thoughts regarding the Teacher Librarian qualification I am doing is that I feel at a DISTINCT disadvantage not being a librarian working in a school... which is kind of weird because that's why I am studying, TO BECOME A LIBRARIAN IN A SCHOOL!

I find it very hard to understand why it seems to be almost a pre-requisite of the course that you are already doing the job in which you are seeking the qualification?!?! When I did my law degree, there was no assumed knowledge, if you were already working in a law firm then sweet, you had an advantage, but there was no expectation that you were already a lawyer, there was an understanding that that was probably why you were attending uni studying a bachelor of laws.

Well there is my rant for today, time to go back to bed with some migraine medication...